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And the Loser is: Kyle.
This story comes From Swift, location unknown. Apparently this fake ass bitch Kyle tought he'd bump our Wicked Shit, this is how the story goes, This kid Kyle, so totally backed ICP up until Eminem dropped his second CD, then he went with the other bleach blonde retards and starting bumping Em's shit from his house all shameless and shit, and then when Eminem's flames died down, he tried to come back to the Wicked Side, and start blasting his shit. Something has to be done about this. Post this up on your site, and show everyone the trader amongst us.
Fuck this Kid, if you know bitches like this let them know what Tha CLown Love is all about. Rize up my fellow juggalos and juggaletts lets represent this shit!
Email your fake bitch stories/photos to: